Tuesday, April 17, 2012

the God box

How often have we put God in a box of our own construction; a box that suits our liking?   We've got all kind of boxes, big ones, little ones, ones of gold and silver lined with silk, ones of cardboard and tarps.  

God cannot be boxed.  His ways are not our ways; His thoughts are far beyond our farthest reach.  How dare we even think we can know Him?  Glimpses are all we have; glimpses that give us only hints to His majesty, glory, and power.  
On a visit to a Buddhist temple in the far east I discovered that eastern religious traditions are quite similar to our western orthodox Christian traditions.  They pray; they have holy water; their craftsmen took great care to create magnificent structures; and they have statues of their great man. 

 It must be a human condition to put God in such boxes. 

As I ponder, there seems to be only three essential touch points where God and humanity connect: creation, redemption, and peace.  The Father created, the Son redeems, and the Spirit brings peace.  

Distilled further: Caring, forgiving, and loving.  No boxes there.


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