Thursday, August 2, 2012

christian taliban

The American culture wars are so fascinating to me.  As an self-proclaimed fence sitter, my opinion can vacillate on most all issues.  I seek to find the compromise; solutions are always in the middle.

The current scuttlebutt in the news is over statements made by a company owner who professes to be a christian.  This owner was interviewed by a christian program and in that interview he stated that they, as a company, supported the biblical view of the traditional family unit.  That statement was then misquoted as being 'against gay marriage' which resulted in flooding the social media with all kinds of interesting, provocative, and quite frankly, ignorant comments. I tried to stay away from it all but I just couldn't help myself....I'm such a sucker for controversial conversation.  I just love a good dialogue that explores all sides.

It was there in the verbiage of someone's rant that I saw "christian Taliban" used as a description of the born-again politicians who legislate their religious morals.  This struck me in the heart and has stayed with me.  As offensive as it was, something about it rang true.  I can honestly see how someone of a different religion or value system could feel oppressed by those who hold traditional values and who are in power to change or make policies based on those values.  I can honestly see how the evangelical, right-wing, born-again christian values are perceived as being shoved down the public's throat.  We must never be a christian Taliban. God forbid!

Separation of Church and State is absolutely essential for people, all people, to be truly free.

I think I just changed my politics.


  1. "I think I just changed my politics."

    Powerful. Though, I'm pretty sure you were always on the side of the Kingdom of Heaven. The question is always how do those of us who have tasted joy and grace spill it over lavishly onto others. Just want you know that you do that well. --Liz

  2. I am with you... I am not sure why some Christians think that morality and beliefs can and should be forced on people. It doesn't work that way....God doesn't work that way. Nice Post...thanks
